Child’s Pose also known as Balasana is one of the relaxing and most loved poses in yoga that can be practised in between the series of challenging asanas. A child’s pose is one of the simplest yoga poses that can be held for a long period of time and without the requirement of props.
The child’s pose can be practised while practising Yin Yoga for stress relief or after completion of the 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar.
The child’s pose mainly focuses on stretching hips, thighs and ankles along with the relaxation of the mind and body. It is a beginner-friendly yoga pose and can be practised anywhere, anytime and without the requirement of a professional trainer.
In This Article:
Why Is The Pose Called As Child’s Pose?
The pose looks similar to a fetal position – the shape of a baby with a naturally curved spine and hence the name Child’s Pose.
The child’s pose is one of the deep relaxation poses that can be held for up to 30 breaths.
How to do Child’s Pose (Balasana): Step By Step Instructions
- Step 1: Look for a calm and clean place
- Step 2: If required and if you are carrying – Place a Yoga mat on the floor – where you want to practice Child’s pose
- Step 3: If Standing, come to a kneeling down position with toes touching each other and knees hip-width apart
- Step 4: Sit on your knees & keep your hands relaxed on your thighs
- Step 5: Exhale, extend your arms with palms facing mother earth, and bend your hips so that your stomach comes in the hip-width gap between your knees.
- Step 6: Keep the front of your shoulders relaxed towards the ground, keep your chin away from the chest – in a neutral position and forehead rested on the ground
- Step 7: Rest in the pose as long as you need

Benefits of Child’s Pose:
- It helps you calm your body and mind
- The child’s pose helps in gently stretching the ankles, hips, and tights
- It allows you to listen to your body’s inner messages
- A child’s pose aims for better digestion and elimination of toxins
- A child’s pose helps in anger and stress management
Child’s Pose – Frequently Asked Questions:
Is the child’s pose safe during pregnancy?
If you are pregnant, You can stretch your knees wide open or Use a bolster to support your upper body so that there would be no pressure on your stomach.
A study reveals that a child’s pose performed in the third trimester is not associated with acute adverse maternal or fetal responses.
However, It is always advised to take your doctor’s or obstetrician’s opinion before trying to perform a Child’s pose.
Is the child’s pose bad for the knees?
Yes, it is advised not to perform a child’s pose if you have knee pain or have undergone knee-related surgery recently.
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